Acquiring Your Skipper Privileges

MYC Skipper Certification Test

Skipper Agreement

Any member, 18 years or older, can apply for Skipper Privileges if he or she believes they:

1) can safely skipper a boat in the harbor
2) understand the local sailing conditions (including topography, currents, wind patterns, etc.)
3) understand how the club operates (including rules, reservations, responsibilities, etc.).

To be a Club Skipper, you must also own the following items:

1) handheld VHF radio
2) chart of the harbor
3) Eldridge Tide book (current year).

Skipper Privileges are granted to members who pass the Skipper Certification Test. This test was created by members and has evolved over the years into a successful educational experience.

Everyone, even Olympic sailors, must first join the club as Regular Members. We cannot make exceptions to this policy because sailing skill is just one of the requirements to be a safe skipper in New York Harbor. Skippers also need to know and understand the local conditions, be familiar with how the club operates, and demonstrate safety consciousness. Some of this knowledge is only available through participation in club activities.

To prepare for the Skipper Certification Test, the club encourages members to participate in the Mentor Program with other club skippers. Mentors are volunteer skippers who have agreed to help work with Skipper candidates on improving their sailing skills and knowledge.

Once you feel you are ready to pass the Skipper Certification Test, please complete the form below.

The club office will review your membership account to make sure your dues have been paid in a responsible manner. Then your name will be forwarded to a fellow member who is a Skipper Certifier. From this point on, you will contact the Certifier directly to schedule your test.

There is a $60 fee charged each time you do a Skipper Certification Test. The fee is charged whether you pass or fail.

If you successfully pass the test, you will then be sign the Skipper Agreement.

If you are unable to pass the sailing demonstration, you will be given a list of items to practice and you may retake the test again when you feel you are ready.


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