Frostbite Racing

This exciting racing series is organized for Members during the winter months. It’s a great way to improve you skills and accelerate your learning curve.

Races are held on Saturday afternoons beginning at 2 pm.

Please refer to the Frostbite Sailing Instructions 2023-2024 v2 dates and details.

To enter, use the form at the bottom of this page.

Sunfish are owned by Members or groups of Members.

You must bring a colored sail to compete in these races.  No all-white sails for racing. The goal is to have a colorful fleet.

If you wish to acquire a Sunfish and start competing in the Frostbite Series, please send an email to

Sunfish enrolled in the racing program may be stored at the clubhouse or on the floating docks.

Race Committee: We need Race Committee volunteers who are generally Members who do not plan on racing but are interested in helping to administer the competition. You do not need any prior racing knowledge to join the RC because you can learn on the job. What is most important is that you show up on a consistent basis. In addition to the volunteer RC, 3 Sunfish racers will be assigned to help the RC each week.  The racers can help set a good race course and operate the safety and judges boat.

Resources for MYC Sunfish Sailors

Sunfish 2021 – Equipment v2 (002)

Sunfish Colored Sails Required!!

Sunfish Rigging Manual by Laser

Sunfish Rigging by Alcort

Sunfish Tuning Guide by Scott Kyle

Sunfish Name Decals

Sunfish Bow Bumpers

Game Changing Gloves

Sunfish How to Get Out of Irons

Want to improve your boat for free? Watch the video below from our Sunfish “Patron Saint” Lee Montes and subscribe to his channel to get all of his go-fast tips.

Enter Your Sunfish Here

Credit Card(Required)
American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
Expiration Date



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